March 19, 2009

Surgery is Scheduled

ERRRR! I am so frustrated! They scheduled Max's surgery for this Tuesday at 7:30am, which means that myself and Max will most likely NOT be at the benefit. He will be in the hospital for about 4 days which would mean that he wouldn't be discharged until Saturday. Even if they would discharge him on Friday evening, I don't know how comfortable I would be taking a post op baby somewhere with so many people and germs. ERRRRRR!

They said that the next possible surgery date would be April 7th and "that's three weeks away from now and that could be three weeks of healing time for him." ERRRR!

Tim will be there representing our family. Max and I were looking forward to being there, but please know that we greatly appreciate all of your support and prayers.

I will keep you all updated as new information arises. I am not sure if it will be before his surgery, so I will post something probably Tuesday night to let you all know how he is doing.

Please keep Max in your prayers that he pulls through this once again. This will be surgery number 10 and 11 for him (hernia repair and vesticostomy). It doesn't seem fair does it?

Enjoy your weekend!


Crystal Renee said...

I am sorry that you are going through this. I saw your blog and fell in love with Max.. and I added your button. It will get better. Just keep praying and my family will be praying for Max too!

Jodi said...

As I read this, the thought came to me that maybe there's a reason God had the surgeries moved earlier. Maybe somehow that will help with his recovery, or will otherwise help him long term.

I don't know that you can ever really know for sure, but just trust that God has a reason for this, even if you don't understand any of it now.

We will continue to pray for you. God bless.