December 9, 2009

Down to Only Once a Month

Well Max had his dialysis clinic appointment today. Both Dr. Ben and Dr. Brad are very happy with Max and how things are going. So happy that they told us that we didn't have to come back until next year. You heard that right, if Max's labs come back looking good today, then he will start going once a month rather than every two weeks. This is great news because it means that Max will only have to have blood work done monthly. It's not so great news because that means we only get out of the house monthly rather than every other week.

I have to admit that when Dr. Dixon said those words, my heart broke in two. I know it sounds silly to all of you who have never spent most of your free time at the hospital, but this means we don't get to see our other "family" as often. I got an email from Max's primary hemodialysis nurse Sara today. I cried as I read her kind words:

I miss the times we had to talk. I miss seeing you and Max. I miss playing with Max. Keri and I talk about how Max won't remember us.....a good thing for Max to not remember a lot of the things we had to do to him.

Max, Tim and I will never forget those that got us to where we are today. We have grown to love these fantastic people. All of Max's doctors and nurses mean a great deal to us and it hurts to not see them as often. Of course not seeing them means that Max is doing well which we are extremely happy about, but it still hurts.

I miss the laughs, the tears and the talks that I got to have with all of Max's nurses (RCNIC and Dialysis Unit) I miss the slow days when all of the nurses would sit in the middle of the room and talk. They all included me like I worked there with them. Of course for as often as I was there they should have put me on the payroll... I could've been filing paperwork or something :o) For those of you who are thinking that I should become a nurse, the answer is "no thank you!" I know who you are!!!

After reading Sara's email and getting a really good cry out of me, I feel a lot better. (Thanks Sara!) I am going to miss seeing everyone every other week, but I am so thankful that Max is doing as good as he is. We'll be stopping by on the 21st to give all of you your Christmas Cookies. Can't wait to see everyone!!!

I hope everyone is surviving this crazy weather. We were out of electric for about 3hours this afternoon. It's too bad that we don't know anyone that works for Duke Energy :o)

I also wanted to remind those of you that are interested that Project Santa presents are due next Monday the 14th!!! Thanks again to everyone who has donated!

Happy Hanukkah Dr. Ben, Dr. Marissa and Zachary!!!

1 comment: said...

Oh how I know what you mean! I miss Logan's nurse Julie so much. She was his dialysis nurse. We are also (at least for a little while) losing Logan's nephrologist. I am heartbroken. He told me the other day just before he did Logan's biopsy and I cried so he told me I needed to stop crying because everyone in the waiting room was going to think he just gave me really bad news. I told him he did give me bad news. His work visa has run out and the US is refusing to renew it. He's doing everything he can. I tell you this because I know you will understand how i feel.

I am so glad for you guys that Max is doing so well. And maybe you guys can make extra visits just to bring them goodies. : )