March 9, 2010

One Test Result

Max had a overnight oxygen study done at our home last week. This is a test that breaks down the percentages of where Max's oxygen levels are throughout the course of the night. So I just a called from Dr. Piccione who is Max's pulmonology fellow. The first thing he says to me is, "I have good news for you!" We LOVE hearing those words before we get test results. He went on to tell me that 99.5% of the time that Max was hooked up to the monitor he was satting above 90%. That means that only .5% of the time he was below the preferred level.

The next things he said were music to my ears. He told me that Max no longer needed to be on oxygen. He said that Max had come a very long way since they first met him last fall. Max's lungs have grown enough to sustain him without any assistance! This is huge!

Now there is some argument between Dr. Ben and Dr. Piccione on who is responsible for his growth. I have heard that Dr. Ben is very proud of Max's growth. I am going to have to give the credit to nephrology for this one- sorry pulmonology!

6 more days until we talk bladder test results and transplant. I am hearing that the transplant coordinator is working on getting our date on the books for the end of June. I can't believe that we are only 3 months away from the life changing surgery that we have been anticipating for the past 2 years. It's very scary and exciting all at the same time.

Have a great week everyone! Enjoy this absolutely beautiful weather!


Anonymous said...

Congrats again!!!

Looks like we are heading in the right direction.


Jodi said...

Awesome! Such great news!