July 9, 2010

Just Another Curve Ball

Hello Everyone this is officially the first time I have Posted,
I thought I would post a little update since my lovely wife is not feeling up to it just yet. Beth is still having allot of pain but she has gotten up a couple of times. She has yet to make it up to see Max, for all of you that know Beth that should give you an idea of the pain she is in. Other than the pain, a little nausea and a headache there is not much going on with Beth, just resting and healing.

As for Max, He has yet again thrown us a curve ball. Max's platelet levels have been low since surgery and the Doctors have all been scratching their heads and running test trying to figure out why. It has been a very busy day for the poor little guy, we have seen nephrology, surgery, radiology, urology and hematology today, all of which have had theories and ideas of the cause. Once again Max stumped them none of the test proved anybodies idea right. I think between today and yesterday Max has had an ultrasound done on every body part. We even had Dr. Alonso and the radiologist present for the last ultrasound.

After all of that, the doctors have all talked and come up with another idea of what might be causing the low platelets levels. They feel Max's liver may have bruised during surgery and some test have shown his liver enzymes are elevated which would indicate that this is true. So as of now the plan is to keep an eye on his blood test as the liver should slowly heal itself and possibly help it along with some vitamin K if needed. So lets all keep our fingers crossed that this is the culprit and it corrects itself with a little time

Thanks Again For All The Love And Support


Anonymous said...

oh i'm praying that it is just a little bruise liver and it will heal itself quickly. speedy recovery for beth as well so she can see her mighty man and they will both feel better.

Anonymous said...

You knew that there would be bumps in the road.
Hopefully, this will take care of itself and Max can be on his way to a complete and total healing.


Anonymous said...

Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for both momma and the strongest little boy ever.

Anonymous said...

Your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying for a speedy recovery for both momma and the strongest little boy ever.