December 10, 2010

Big Milestones

Hello All:

Max is doing fantastic! He continues to amazes us on a daily basis with how much he has accomplished over the past 5 months.

For example:

Before the transplant, Max had a vocabulary of only 2 words. "Ah" and "Dada". Today Max's vocabulary includes about 200 words. He is also starting to put 3-5 word sentences together. He is doing so well that his speech therapist said that she doesn't need to come on a weekly basis to work on language anymore.

Max has also started eating again. His therapist and I put him through a "Eating Boot Camp" that involved him sitting down three times a day and taking three bites at each sitting. After those three bites he could get up. He mastered that very quickly so we moved him up to 5-7 bites. Again, he mastered it. He is now sitting down and eating an entire 3.5 oz jar of food 2-3 times a day! We have also discovered that he likes chocolate milk, so we are giving him that when he asks for a drink now. When he is finished he says "yum." It's unbelievable.

The last accomplishment that we have for this post is that Max is... Well I will just let the pictures tell you:

Yup. He's walking...

...and he is so very proud of himself for doing so.

We are so very, very proud of this little man as well.

So he is not a pro at it just yet, considering shortly after these pictures were taken he fell, but dude the kid is walking when only a few short months ago he wasn't even bearing weight on his feet. He has a walker, but I don't let him use it too much because he relies on it instead of trying to figure it out on his own. He is mastering it very quickly and we couldn't be any prouder of him.

Needless to say, the kiddo is on fire. We have all of you and your fantastic love, support and prayers for getting us through the past 3 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I think we all feel an actual part of Max's success by going through each step of the way with you and Tim for the past three years.

Continued success and happiness!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! The pics are sooo cute of him walking.


Jodi said...

Wow! What amazing progress over the past couple of months! You didn't post any growth stats, but by the pics I swear he's grown a foot too!

BTW - his outfit in those pics is ADORABLE!