July 22, 2008

Dialysis has been started...

again! Tim and I have decided to go ahead and start the dialysis, instead of bringing him home and having to take him back and leaving him. We feel that this is in the best interest for Max's long term cognitive outcome. So, dialysis was started yesterday afternoon and so far Max is doing great with it. His dialysis nurse said to expect a stay of another month and a half, but his nephrologist said that she is hoping to have him ready to go home in about three weeks. So we're preparing ourselves for the longer stay, but hoping for him to be home by the middle of August. We'll see!

The doctor's are very happy that we chose to start the PD because Max's head circumferance didn't grow over the past week, which is another indication that he is in renal failure. Like I have mentioned before, Max's growth is being monitored very closely to be sure that he is growing how they need him to be. We are working with a nutritionist that is making sure Max gets what he needs to gain the weight and length that he needs to stay healthy.

Max's urologist would like to do another scope of his bladder the week before he is to be discharged to get another look at how things are growing and developing. It was brought up to us that there is a possibiity that he will need bladder reconstruction surgery. The bladder of kids who have posterior urethral valves doesn't form how it is suppose to, so this is another possible surgery that would be done before his transplant. They would use part of his stomach for the reconstruction. This is down the road a bit, so we're not focusing on it too much at this point.

Other than that, he is just hanging out and flirting with all of his nurses. He is getting such a personality on him already. We crack up when he smiles because his chunky cheeks push his eyes closed. The nurses in his pod surround his bed when he is showing off those handsome gummy smiles. They don't get to see too many of them with the others babies that are there, since there are usually a lot younger than Max. He is such a ham!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i love that he is always smiling for his nurses...i bet they do love that. so, so sweet! good luck with dialysis, i will keep him in my prayers (as always)!

Anonymous said...

Beth Tim & Max,

He is sooooooo adorable. Getting cuter every day. Max had a great time at DHL, his picture was taped to the table, compliments of grandpa. A simple reminder of how strong he is!!!! He is so lucky to have you two as his parents.

Much love
Michael Dom & kids

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the dialysis - third time is a charm right.

They were concerned for awhile with Evans head not growing but now he is in the 50th percentile and everything is fine so hopefully he just had a slow week and no indication of renal failure.

Continued thoughts and prayers.
