August 20, 2008

Our Max is Back!!!

Still keep those prayers coming though! We are not completely out of the woods just yet, but Max is doing much, much better. When I went in this morning, it was very hard to see him back to square one with the tube down his throat and sedated, but I got through it. I had several doctors come and talk to me about what the possibilities were on why this could be happening. So they determined that it could be caused by pancreatitis, another type of infection or dialysis fluid. They sent the fluid that they pulled off of his lungs for labs and tests and they came back preliminarily showing that it was dialysis fluid. We are waiting on another test to prove this even more. They are also still waiting to see if any of the cultures grow anything. They will watch those for 48 hours, but they went ahead and put him on an antibiotic to be treating anything that may be brewing in there.

I asked what could have caused the fluid overload and his attending physician said that the trauma to the abdominal region during the g-tube surgery could have caused some inflammation of the peritoneum, which caused the fluid to go up into his lungs since it had no where else to go. There are still a lot of questions though.

They did a follow up x-ray at 5:00 and it showed much improvement, even from the x-ray after the fluid taps. So, for 9 hours there was no accumulation of fluid around his lungs. This doesn't mean that it can't still happen though. Max began to wake up a little before the x-ray and believe it or not showed off a little bit of a smile from behind the tube. It was very sweet. He was kicking and throwing his little arms all over the place trying to extubate himself. He was well aware that there was a tube somewhere it didn't belong and he had plans of removing it. So, I had mentioned to his nurse that the only way they would be able to keep him intubated would be to drug him or to restrain him, so she brought it up to the doctors and they didn't want to do either of those since he was clinically doing well and that the x-ray showed much improvement. At 6:30pm they extubated him successfully and the old Max was back! He was one very happy little camper! He was all smiles and trying to talk to us through his raspy voice. He was doing his baby aerobics with ihs arms and legs. Around 8:30 I got him out of bed and as soon as he got comfortable in my arms he crashed! He was out like a light.

The plan for tomorrow is to see if anything has grown on the cultures and to do another follow up x-ray to see if any fluid has reaccumalated around his lungs. Keep those fingers crossed! He was suppose to go onto the cycler as well, but we will see what the nephrologist wants to do after all of the mayhem of the day. So, thank you thank you thank you for all of the added prayers from everyone. Please keep them coming, beacuse like I said before, we are still not out of the woods. Hopefully he will have an uneventful night and the x-ray will show no fluid tomorrow. I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys. I can't believe how much Max and you guys have gone through, it just breaks my heart. I'm glad he is doing much better and your Max is back. I couldn't imagine having to see him intubated again and this time he is aware of what is going on.
Come on Max!

Anonymous said...

Beth & Tim

We are all praying and know that if there is anything we can do let us know...I prayed to St. Jude all day and he is going to make it better I am sure...Let us know at the Guidugli Ranch if you need anything at all..They all said Hi

Logan said...

Yeah Max! Keep on fighting little buddy! We will keep the prayers coming. Hang in there mom and dad.

Harmony, Eric, and Logan

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

yay for good news, way to go max!

Floridians said...

Beth, Tim, and Max,
We are praying for you three. We are glad to see Max is making some improvements since the other night. Max is such a fighter. Keep staying strong. Max is lucky to have such great parents!

God Bless
Kristina, Cory, and Anna

Anonymous said...

"I prayed to St. Jude all day and he is going to make it better" - Quote from the Guidugli Ranch

Good old St. Jude!
He came through for the 2000 Mustangs (who beat 27-3 Graves County in the "Sweet Sixteen" State Tournament at Rupp Arena) and I'm sure he'll come through for Max.
Continued progress!

Dave Schabell

Anonymous said...

Yay Max! Keep on fighting!!