January 9, 2009

A few more things...

I forgot to post to the RCNIC nurses that Max is on A6 Central room #685. He will be going down to the Dialysis Unit at some point today, but I am not sure when.

I also forgot to mention that Max had a little bit of increased work of breathing while in recovery yesterday so they put him on a half liter nasal cannula. The doctors were tossing up whether or not he should be taken to the ICU or not. They decided that since Tim and I were comfortable with his breathing that they wouold just watch him closely. All night his cannula was on his forehead so it wasn't doing much good there. They put an oxygen mask near his face and his sats were 99%-100% all night. The breathing has slowed downed since last night and dialysis today will help with that as they get the excess fluid off of him.

He didn't sleep great. They gave him a dose of morphine around 10:30 or so. He would wake up and fuss and I would get up pat his butt and rub his head and he would fall back asleep. He did this about every half hour for the first couple of hours then his sleep span got a little longer each time after that. He is still sleeping so hopefully he will get plenty of rest today and feel better by this evening. He managed to crack a half smirk to me this morning so we are on our way to having Max back.

I think that is it. The urologist came in and told me that if he is doing great by this afternoon that he can go home, but I told her not yet. We would rather him spent an extra day here just to be sure. We don't want to rock the boat plus Tim and I still need to learn about the new addition to his little body. We won't bring him home until we are comfortable with his pain level and with the SP tube, but he should definitely be home by the end of the weekend.

I will keep you all posted as new updates come in. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad he is doing well and I completely agree about not rushing to come home.