May 5, 2008

A few small updates and one bigger change

Hello All!

I'll start with the bigger change- the c-section has once AGAIN been changed. It is "scheduled" for Monday, May 19. Personally, I am finished marking my calendar for when it will be. It just gets me excited :o) Now that I am finished with my small complaint, I will move on to the smaller updates.

Dr. Polzin (my main doctor) made a visit to me today to see how things were going. So I will start in chronological order of things that have changed over the past week.

1. I have been contracting for a a few days now- I don't feel as many as they say I am having (I
don't think so anyway?!?)
2. I started feeling VERY itchy (back, belly, chest, feet, etc)
3. Max had two dips in a row while he was on the monitor (his heartrate dipped to the 90's) and
his baseline was in the low 120's, which is unlike him
4. and I now have an answer other than "no" for a change in discharge.

As for the contractions... if I am on the monitor and they notice "contractions" in a rhytmic pattern I stay on for longer (2.5 hours the other day. The doctor that was "watching" it went to a delivery before he okayed me to come off)

I mentioned the itching to my doctor, which I thought was normal for two reasons #1 the air in this place is very dry and #2 the stretching from a growing belly, and she said that we needed do a blood test to check my bile salts. They are looking for something called cholestasis (click on the link for more info)

The dips in Max's heartrate weren't HUGE, but they kept me on the monitor for an hour to check to see if he did it again. He didn't!

As for the discharge, I'll keep it clean. I think I am losing my mucus plug. I was told to keep an eye on it.

So back to the 3rd date change, Dr. Polzin does not think we will get that far because of the combination of the 4 smaller changes above. With that said, Max will come when he comes :o) I honestly think it can be as early as this week.

We'll keep everyone posted as new information is given to us :o)

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.