March 26, 2010

"Complex cyst on left ovary"

Those are the words I heard when my OB office called yesterday to tell me that my doctor wants me to come in to discuss the results of the pelvic ultrasound I hate last week. Needless to say, I am freaking out. I have heard that it's nothing to worry about and that they will just want to check it again in 6-8 weeks. But why would she want me to go into the office to tell me that? I am worried sick that something else is wrong. Was my pap abnormal? Was something else found that the nurse didn't mention?

The first thing I think of is ovarian cancer since my Aunt Donna passed away from it. I am trying to stay calm until my appointment today at 3:15. If you could add me to your prayer list for today I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you everyone.

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