February 13, 2009

Today is...

...Max's first first birthday!!! Have you figured that one out yet?

Today is the one year anniversary of the open fetal surgery that Max and I had last year. What a celebration to think that he and I both made it through it and are doing fantastic. I can't believe it's been a year and I never would have thought we would be where we are today.

We are truly blessed to have such a great hospital with great doctors right across the river from us. What a journey!

Happy First First Birthday to our little miracle! We love you Max!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Have a great weekend.

Note: I am scheduled to have my CT angiogram on March, 25. This is a test where they will put an IV in my arm and inject a dye to make sure I have 2 kidneys and to check the blood supply that goes to each one. This test will determine if I truly am a good candidate for Max's transplant.


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

happy first first birthday max!

Anonymous said...

Happy first first birthday Max!
Brian, Katie, Dylan, and Parker Ruschman

Anonymous said...

Hello guys we just wanted to wish Emma's handsome prom date a Happy First Birthday. And Beth I hope your foot gets to feeling better real soon. If you ever need anything and I mean anything you just give me a call. You are all in are prayers. Brian Tracy carson and Emma Schultz