May 24, 2009


...for being a very bad blogger. I haven't posted anything and it was a very big week of small and big updates about Max.

We'll start with the small. Last week was full of appointments:

Monday- Max had his PD dye study. Everything looked great and the fluid stayed where it was suppose to! He also had dialysis and that went well too :o)

Tuesday- Max had his physical therapy and then we headed to his one year pediatrician appointment. He got a clean bill of health :o) and three shots :o( He did well, but definitely wasn't happy about getting them.

Wednesday- Max had to see a psychologist as part of the transplant work up. I guess he passed :o) He asked me the same questions that was asked during my psych evaluation. A pretty silly appointment. Max then went to dialysis and did well :o)

Thursday- Max had speech therapy and did fairly well with it. We figured out that he needs to be in a 45 degree angle instead of 90. He doesn't gag at all when he is laying back a little. After therapy he had a follow up with the High Risk Clinic. Dr. Cahill is happy with how things are going except for his length. She is going to talk to nephrology about increasing his protein, but nephrology is talking about decreasing it, so we'll see who wins this one.

Friday- Max had to be at dialysis at 8:00am for a PD trial. It went okay in the eyes of nephrology, but I didn't think it went so well. He had two cycles and both of those cycles had low drain volume alarms, which means the machine didn't back the fluid that it put in him. This worries me since he ended up with a chest tube because of this. The doctors don't seem worried yet, so I am trying to keep my cool. Overall though, he tolerated it just fine. He then had his hemo right after. Then after a long day, Max needed a dressing change. That is when we found out that his catheter came unstitched again. So we had to wait for the surgery resident to come up and restitch it. Thankfully, she was pretty quick. The look of fear and pain on his face as he stared me in the eyes was heart breaking. He did great though. After we dressed his catheter and stopped holding him down, he was all better. Finally, after 8 hours we finally left the hospital and spent an hour in the wonderful holiday weekend traffic :o)

Saturday- Dialysis with Daddy

Sunday- Mommy and Daddy are going to a wedding tonight, so Max will be getting his first "away from home" babysitter. He will spending the evening with his Nana and Pipi.

That is it! Phew... can I say CRAZY week!

As for the bigger news of the week. It looks like they will be admitting him into the hospital this coming weekend to restart his PD. NERVOUS!!! Please pray that everything goes well and Max doesn't spring a leak anywhere else in his little body.

Also, please pray that we don't loose his hemo catheter. The surgeon really doesn't want to replace it which makes me fear that we will be forced to tolerate PD.

As far as even better news, Daddy is giving me the day off tomorrow, so I don't have to go to the hospital until wednesday!!!!

Emjoy your Memorial Day everyone!!!

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